Got Bikes

Electric Bicycle Consultation($175)

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The Wild West of Bicycling…

The current market of Electric Bicycles is vast, fast and can be very tricky. Proceed with caution and stick to current models offered by Name Brands and at a minimum companies based within the United States. Make sure to do your home work or you could end up with a Lemon!

Amazon is not an Electric Bike Manufacturer. They do sell cheaper models from vendors however the old adage of “You get what you pay for” is so true. A good quality Electric bike should be priced around the thousand dollar and higher price range.

Be sure to price out the bike based on the components compared to a regular bike. If they are priced evenly then chances are the Electric bike is of lesser quality. This means the company has provided a very poor quality electronic system or downgraded the quality of non-electric parts to bring down the price.

Do your homework….

Got Bikes(?) offers a 30 minute consultation for buyers that insist on purchasing online. The guidance on which bicycle would be best for your intended needs, research on companies availability of future parts when needed, receiving of Electric Bicycle at our shop and assembly.



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